WHAT A NIGHTMARE!!! You enter your details on this site and that site to be able to get a quote and once they have your number they just DO NOT LOSE IT.
Repeatedly I have been phoned for the same companies over and over and the more you tell them sorry you just wanted a quote and you will let them know when you made up your mind, the more they want to talk?? They eventually annoy you so much that you think "Now if I do take this option, is this how it will be when I need to claim?" And eventually the salesperson on the other end has helped you decide that they annoy the daylights out of you so you will rather not make use of them.
Now if you want EASY, SIMPLE, STRAIGHT FORWARD then you have to deal with iHound (I have added their banner to the bottomof this post for your convenience.)
You will find anything and everything from Car/Home Insurance, Life Insurance, Funeral Insurance, Hospital Insurance, Business Insurance and Medical & Legal Insurance and on top of that they deal with Motor Warranties and Personal Loans too.
What a breeze it is to enter your details once, and they find the best quote for you. No entering details at each and every different Insurance company - Just once only is all it takes.
So no matter the type of insurance you are looking for ... let iHound find it for you

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