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Tuesday, 24 May 2016

False Claims - Instant Noodles Contain Wax? - Facts from Fiction

Claim- "Instant noodles contain a wax coating which is also used in the styrofoam containers. That is why instant noodles don't stick together when cooking. Our body needs up to two days to clean the wax. Makes sure you stop eating a pack of noodles for at least three days after. This wax can cause cancer. SHARE with those you care about."

Verdict- False. Variations of this claim have been circulating in various forms for more than a decade. Instant noodles contain Palm Oil, not wax, to prevent sticking. Wax would not solve the issue anyway, as wax melts at lower temperatures and would quickly melt off the noodles as they are heated. The disposable containers  that noodles come in do not use wax either, for the same reason. Polyethylene coated paper, expanded polystyrene, and polypropylene plastics are used instead to make the containers so that they are water proof.

However, disposable containers are not all equal. Some are NOT designed to be in a microwave, as they can leach chemicals into the food that you are attempting to heat. Always read the directions on the label or container to be safe. If you're still not sure, or it doesn't specifically mention microwaving, play it safe and swap the container out for one that is microwavable. Having a few extra dirty dishes is a small price to pay to avoid being sick later on down the road.

Microwaving Food In Plastic: Safe Or Not? (
Food Safety Of Noodle Cups (pdf) 
Snopes Instant Noodles Contain Wax
Rumor Response About Instant Noodles
Instant Noodles (Wikipedia)

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