offerforge wealthy ever after

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Now I have seen everything !! Woman tried to sell her child on Gumtree !!

Ok, so maybe this is very old news to some, but to me this is the first time I hear about this !

So many times I joke and tease with the kids saying "due to the rise in inflation I am going to have to sell one of you" and it always starts a laugh since they know I love them way over the moon and back and would never do such a thing to any of them.  

And when you actually think about it - how many of you at a till point tell your kids that "if the scanner can pick up a price for them, then you can sell them" ... 

And my ultimate favourite is saying "I'm going to stick a sign on the kid's chest saying - BUY ONE GET ONE FREE" ... 

But now what makes a person so sick minded that they actually attempt to sell their own blood child ???  ("apparently" my brother and I did try sell our little sister once - but in our defence we were very small and the packet of chips and juice we were offered in trade was very tempting as a swop)

So now yesterday I went onto my browser and instead of changing the text for google to gumtree I ended up "searching on google for gumtree" and one of the headlines caught my eye ... 


At first I thought it must be someone being bored again and making up some story to send around on facebook but my "female inquisitive genes" got the better of me and I clicked in on it to have a look what it is all about (as if the headline didn't explain it in full already)

Link to the news article with news video report

I started reading and what a shock to find out her child value/worth to her is a measly R5000 !!!
How does one justify that?
How do you put a money value to your child?

No matter what happens with the economy - your child is your blood and no money or riches in the world could (or should) ever be enough for your flesh and blood.

How do you raise a child for 19 months and not get even more attached to him/her than you been during pregnancy and birth...?

I just don't get it !
It stirred me up properly and I just can not fathom how someone could sell their child and as the report said "had no remorse during the dealings or even after - except when she realised it was a sting operation and that she got busted" 

People like that should not have kids. Should not even be allowed close to a child in my opinion. 

Just venting to get it out of my system but would like to know what others think about this ... 

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