Those who have been following the past few months all know about my recent pregnancy and our beautiful baby boy that was born in January this year as addition to the Family / "clan" ...
Two days from now he will be 7 months old and becoming more and more precious by the day. He has the most beautiful smile that makes his entire face light up and some very prominent features already surfacing. He definitely has Daddy's good looks and he is nearly always laughing or smiling.
He is healthy and I am grateful for that every single moment of everyday and even more so when I see posts on Facebook about babies in ICU or with unexplained diseases/illness.
Now to get back onto bragging about my absolutely gorgeous little bundle of joy, we fell pregnant last year with our son and having a 7 year gap between him and the youngest - and 14 year gap between him and the oldest, we have had (and still have) concerns about the other kids "rejecting" him when he starts getting a bit too mobile to their liking and able to access their rooms and "their stuff" ...
So far, so good ... they love him to bits and they play with him all the time which helps me a lot more than they realise - and gives me some "Me Time". They all want to feed him all the time, bath him, make bottles, put him to sleep .. BUT NO ONE WANTS THE POO NAPPIES !!! They dont mind changing the wet nappies though.
They have been nagging endlessly to have baby sleep by them and we decided one night to let them 'feel the pain' of interrupted sleep ... we agreed they make one bed for the lot of them in the room closest to baby - and had his formula and nappies etc all ready for them ... they had to get up everytime he cries and check nappies through the night. Everytime baby cried I pretended to be sleeping dead and saw them scofling around for the powder, wet wipes and begging baby to "please sleep a little bit longer next time" and arguing over who woke up first when he cried.
They changed him, burped him and fed him and made sure he was covered all night through.
They really did an excellent job. But they NEVER DID IT AGAIN.
Now they want him to just fall asleep by them but I must move him to his cot when I go to bed.
So to get to the end of my post ... we had some extremely shocking news a few weeks back ... we are pregnant AGAIN !!!
Shocking not only because we already have a full house of kids but mainly because we took the necessary precautions not to fall pregnant again and somehow it seems it didnt work out as planned.
2 babies in one year is no laughing matter - one born 5 January and the other one due end November - we will have one just starting to walk and talk and then be going through the whole baby drill again.
Needless to say we have overcome the shock of the matter after about a week from finding out and had to attempt the rutt of stocking up baby items all over again since we got rid of all newborn items and clothing as well as everything baby outgrew (carry cot, positioner, rocker, breastpump, newborn teats and bottles, the packs of nappies that we overstocked on, etc etc) as well as maternity items.
Oh and how I kept saying when I gave it away "that I will never again have any use for them" ... now I regret passing everything on so quickly.
The bonus of the matter is - I passed through my entire first trimester without even knowing or suspecting I could be pregnant and baby will grow up with a friend closer to his own age.
We went for a scan soon after and according to the doctor we are expecting a girl this time round, and she is already measuring to 20 weeks.
Major disadvantage is that we have never had the need for a medical aid as our kids so very seldom get sick or needed to see a doctor, so after had done the math we decided medical would cost us way more in a month than what we spend in total in a year on the entire family's medical expenses ... now we need that medical aid as we had collected quotations for the birth (no option this time round other than C-section) as I will not be able to do a natural delivery again; and the conclusion is that we need to save up R48 000 by November in order to cover just the hospital fees and the doctors present for the delivery of our soon to be "little girl" ...
With the way the economy goes lately it is near impossible to try save R500 a month as it is when you have kids who always need new school items, clothing, and all sorts of extras.
So my attempt to a solution to this is to try sell off as much as possible of my Avon Stock as I can and to try post as much as possible in order to earn something off the adverts on my blog.
To view the stock I have available please visit
This one pays me R7 every time someone registers on JustPlay from my link :
If you don't have a Justplay account yet - click on the picture and sign up for free - it costs you absolutely nothing and it is the biggest and best online competition site in South Africa.
There is huge prizes and every now and again there is a car or 2 up for grabs as well as TV's, Phones, and cold hard cash ...
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